How to Set Up and Register a Charity CIO or CIC - Toolbox

How to register and set up a charity CIO or CIC, including insurance, setting up a UK bank account, finding funding and everything else you'll need.

How To Set Up and Register a Charity CIO Or CIC

Our toolbox has everything you need to register and set up charity CIO or CIC, including insurance, setting up a UK bank account, constitutions, finding funding and everything else you'll need. Better still, we provide 3 free online directories Funding FinderHelp Finder and Data Finder and 100+downloadable funder lists.

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Setting Up - Charity CIO or CIC?

When planning to set up a non-profit, most think of a charity CIO or CIC, but which to choose and there are different types of both. This resource provides a practical guide and checklist to help you make the best choice.

How To Set Up and Register A Charity CIO

How to set up, and register a UK charity CIO or charitable company, at no cost, using my simple guide, videos and infographic, with links to all the guidance and documents you will need.

However, you can very easily and quickly set up an unincorporated association. This is an unregistered charity, sometimes called a small charity, club, or community group. This toolkit enables anyone to set up a small non profit quickly and at no cost, including a link to download the Charity Commission model constitution (governing document) template.

What is a CIC?

This dummies guide to CICs explains the meaning of the term CIC, what a CIC is, the the different types of CIC company structure, how many directors you'll need and whether a CIC is a charity, or not; it isn't.

How To Set Up and Register a CIC

A 'How To' guide to register and set up a CIC. A simple, step-by-step guide to setting up and CIC registration, with advice and links to everything you will need.

Setting Up An Unincorporated Association

You can very easily and quickly set up an unincorporated association. This is an unregistered charity, sometimes called a small charity, club, or community group. This toolkit enables anyone to set up a small charity very quickly and at no cost, including a link to download the Charity Commission model constitution (governing document) template.

Charity And CIC Constitutions And Governing Documents

How to choose and download the right constitution or Charity Commission model governing document for a CIO, Charitable Company or Trust, Small Charity, Club & Community Interest Company (CICs) Articles. What these are and how to use them.

Charity and CIC Names

How to choose, check and register a charity or CIC company name, including the rules and regulations.

How To Find Funding For Your Charity CIO Or CIC

You can pay a lot of money for fundraising training courses, but there is lots of free online training available for everyone. This guide has courses covering skills development and refresher, as well as basic 101 introduction on how to fundraise training.

You can access 60+ lists of funders for charities and community groups and the Funding Finder grant funding directory by registering with Charity Excellence; everything is free.  Funding Finder has a search category specifically for CICs and social enterprises.

You'll find lots more fundraising resources and help in the Fundraising area of the Resource Hub.

How To Set Up A UK Charity Or CIC Bank Account

What you need to think about to set up a free UK charity bank or savings account for your charity, CIC, community group, club or society, how to do that and a review of the best, including Charity Commission guidance on banking.

CASC and Charity Set Up - How to Register With HMRC

You have to register your charity or CASC with HMRC to claim Gift Aid. This guidance gives you practical step-by-step instructions to set up your HMRC registration, so you can claim everything you're entitled to.  This resource summarises the HMRC Gift Aid Rules for charities and CASCs.  CIC companies are not eligible for Gift Aid but may be able to claim business rates relief.

Non Profit Strategy And Planning

You'll find everything you need to create a strategy and plans for your CIO or CIC in the Strategy & Planning area of the Resource Hub.

Charity And CIC Insurance

Insurance for CICs and charities explained simply. The various types, what you need to think about and how to choose an insurance broker, with links to the main providers.

Charity and CIC Conversions Made Simple

A guide to what these are, and how to do it, with links to the company conversion guidance and documents.

Next Steps To Set Up Your Charity Or CIC?

A registered charity ourselves, we provide 8 online health checks, the huge information hub, Quality Mark and 3 online directories.

  • Funding Finder - click through to more funders than any other grants directory, categories for Crisis Funding, Core Funding and Small Charities & Community Groups and 50+ downloadable grant lists.
  • Help Finder – find advice, pro bono support and free services and products, including lots of free fundraising support and companies that make product/financial donations.
  • Data Finder - finds data for funding bids, fundraising research, impact reporting, planning and campaigning.

Fast, Simple & Everything Is Free

To find the funding and free help you need – Register Now

This Resource Doesn't Constitute Professional Opinion

I have worked in the sector at senior level for many years and hold various professional qualifications but am not an accountant, nor a lawyer and no advice can be applicable to all organisations, in all circumstances, so this resource is no more than a guide to understanding.  Essentially, I've summarised the wide ranging and detailed regulatory guidance and augmented this with my own experience and Internet research to create a layman's guide, with links to the source guidance. I hope you found it useful, but I am not competent to provide professional advice.  If you need it, use Help Finder to find pro bono support.

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Charity Excellence Framework CIO

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