Charity Data Finder - Including Fundraising Statistics

The free charity Data Finder - charities, the sectors they work in, donations and fundraising statistics, pro bono and free data analysis software

Charity Data Finder - Including Donation & Fundraising Statistics

The free charity Data Finder finds free open source data on charities, the sectors they work in, donations and fundraising statistics, both UK and globally, and pro bono data support and free data analysis and management software.  It's very simple to use and links you everything from key fundraising statistics to huge open source portals.

There are also 2 other online directories Funding Finder and Help Finder, plus 100+downloadable funder lists, 40 policy templates, 8 online health checks, the huge resource base, and Quality Mark.

A one-stop shop for everything you need.

Quick, simple and everything is free - Register Now

Charity Data Finder - Scale/Complexity of Statistics

You can choose from 3 levels of charity data size/complexity - from key information and analysis, through to data catalogues and huge data portals.  The largest I've found so far has 70,000 data sets. However, the majority of large data portals have key facts and statistics, and many have interactive maps and graphs, so can be easily used by almost anyone.

Charity Data Finder - Type of Statistics

Data Finder finds 3 types of charity statistics:

  • Charities and the charity sector.
  • The sectors charities work in, such as poverty, education and health.
  • Donation and fundraising statistics.

But it also finds data on just about anything else, from economics to society, and has a search category for pro bono data advice and free data analysis tools & software.

Charity Data Finder - Search Categories

There are 19 search categories.  However, to make Data Finder as simple to use as possible, similar categories are paired, so there are 33 to choose from.  There is also a Key Word search option to find specific support.  Once you've run your search just click the name of any provider to be taken to their website.

Arts & Culture Maps & Geography
Charities & NGOs Minoritised Groups
Crime & Justice Other Data
Economy & Finance Poverty & Deprivation
Education & Training Pro Bono Support
Environment & Animals Society & Population
Fundraising & Donations Tools & Software
Health & Social Care Transport & Housing
Humanitarian & Corruption Volunteering & Staff

Donations and Fundraising Statistics

Use the Fundraising & Donations search category to find fundraising statistics and data, charitable giving and donations, and to research donors, prospects and companies.

If you're looking for grant makers, use Funding Finder.  For company donations, use the Help Finder Donations - Funding category and for products, including raffle items, the Donations - Products & Equipment category.

Cost of Living Crisis Data & Statistics

We are using the system's charity sector 'Big Data' for our monthly crisis impact assessments but also a range of cost of living crisis reports and data published by others.  To help everyone, links to these reports have been uploaded into Data Finder.

These will come up in searches automatically, or you can find all of them by using 'Cost of Living' in the key word search.  This includes charity data on food poverty, volunteering, faith groups and Scotland.  To find a very much larger volume of related statistics, use the Poverty & Deprivation search category.

Minoritised Group Data & Statistics

Diversity and inclusion is something we think we should do, not just talk about.  Find statistics and data on those who have been marginalised and excluded, using the Minoritised Groups search category.  The Charity Excellence Funding Finder and Help Finder online directories have similar categories.

Global, UK, UK Country & Local Data & Statistics

Choose the geographical areas you want data for.  If you want local county or borough statistics and it doesn't seem to come up in your location search, use the Key Word search by entering the location name or search using 'borough' to find a national data set that includes this level of data. Many international data portals include UK data, so don't overlook these.

UK International
England Americas
Scotland Asia
Wales Africa
Northern Ireland Europe

A Free One Stop Shop for Everything Your Charity Needs

A registered charity ourselves, the CEF works for any non profit, not just charities.

Plus, 100+downloadable funder lists, 40+ policies, 8 online health checks and the huge resource base.

Quick, simple and very effective.

Find Funding, Free Help & Resources - Everything Is Free.

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Keep Your Charity and Its Data Safe

We would never knowingly link to any website that contains offensive, illegal or suspect information, or potentially scam links and we carry out checks as best we can.  However, our system links charities not only to help but also websites with online lists of links and other databases.  This gives you access to an enormous range of funding, resources and help but no organisation, let alone a volunteer run charity, could potentially check and validate everything. 

Consequently, in using our system you accept that we cannot take any responsibility for 3rd party content or links and you agree that you will carry out all reasonable checks to keep yourself safe. 

In the event you ever come across something that concerns you, please inform us immediately -

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Charity Excellence Framework CIO

14 Blackmore Gate
United Kingdom
HP22 5JT
charity number: 1195568
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