Free ChatGPT Grant Finder For Nonprofits

Our free ChatGPT grant finder for nonprofits - quick, free and simple to use and enables any non profit or charity to find funding, in the UK or globally.

ChatGPT Grant Finder For Nonprofits

Here’s our free ChatGPT grant finder for non profits toolkit to help you find funding for your nonprofit or charity organisation.   Quick, simple, free and it works in the UK and globally.  We've called it the ChatGPT toolkit but it works just as well with other AI systems, such as Co-pilot and Gemini.

Welcome to our Grant Finder for Nonprofits Toolkit!

I’m Kate (Hillier) and I worked with Ian (the founder) to create a simple ChatGPT grant finder toolkit for charities. I regularly post about funding and ChatGPT on LinkedIn so it would be great to connect with you!  To see how it works, watch my short demo video (5 mins) or e mail us at if you'd like a pdf version. 

Why Use ChatGPT for Non Profit Grant Searches?

Cost: Funding Finder is free but many grants directories have to be paid for.

Niche projects: AI also lets you search for grant funding for less common activities that may not appear as a search category in grant directories, such as women’s wellbeing.

  • You can also search using ChatGPT quickly and easily for multiple different ways of naming something.

Filters: You can also ask it to filter out grants that you don’t want.

  • For example, for small unregistered charities, grants that require you to be a registered charity. We show you how to do that below.
  • Or if you already have a prospect list of charitable grant makers, you can copy and paste that in and ask ChatGPT to find funders not on your list.

ChatGPT Funding Toolkit Versus a Grants Directory

The ChatGPT funding toolkit isn't searching fully up-to-date data and the data hasn't been curated by a human.  If you're a registered charity in England looking for grants for young people, a grants directory will give you more, more detail and will probably be more accurate.  However, a grants directory is constrained by its search categories, whilst the toolkit can search for anything - a young people's cricket club in Lancashire.  And it can quickly search a wide variety of queries.  Not just the categories below but using different words and phrases - climate change, environmental or environment, both very locally and all the way up to globally.

How To Use This ChatGPT Toolkit

I’ve created example prompts (ChatGPT instructions / questions) for small or unregistered charities or community groups. You can amend these prompts to include your specific needs and because ChatGPT often won’t provide a list of any significant length, you can try the prompts multiple times using different terms which could bring up different funders. For example try changing the geographic location from UK, then try England, then Yorkshire. You can then try changing the wording of the sector for example environment, environmental, conservation, or climate change. Below you will find three different types of search for you to find funders plus tips on how to get the best results. Try it for yourself - simply copy, amend and paste the prompt into ChatGPT, or another AI system.

Extra Note

There are probably close to 15,000 UK grant makers and no rules about how to use terminology. Different funders often use different terminology, so try several search terms as outlined above. However, be aware that ChatGPT makes mistakes and is not up-to-date.

ChatGPT Grant Finder Top Tips

Here we have three ChatGPT Prompt examples for you to copy, amend and paste into ChatGPT.

1. Geographical

Please give me as many <UK, UK Country, region, county> charitable grant makers as possible that offer small grants to small, unregistered charities, and constituted community and grassroots groups, excluding any that require applicants to be registered charities. Include their websites and additional information if available on their priorities, locations, grant sizes, eligibility and sectors they focus on.

2. Sectors & Groups of People

Please give me as many charitable grant makers as possible that offer small grants to small, unregistered charities, and constituted community and grassroots groups that support <sector or group of people>, excluding any that require applicants to be registered charities. Include their websites and additional information if available on their priorities, locations, grant sizes, eligibility and sectors they focus on.

3. Funding Type

Please give me as many charitable grant makers as possible that offer small <project, core, capital, council, multi year> grants to small, unregistered charities, and constituted community and grassroots groups that, excluding any that require applicants to be registered charities. Include their websites and additional information if available on their priorities, locations, grant sizes, eligibility and sectors they focus on.

ChatGPT Corporate Fundraising

You can use ChatGPT, Copilot or other AI, both to create lists of corporates and also to identify what support a corporate might offer using the prompts below.  I tend to use Microsoft Copilot as it gives me real time information and also automatically includes reference link I can use to check the information is accurate.

To generate a really good list, use the method above of asking for searches based on only one set of criteria, such as industry sector and then repeat it with others, such as geography, cause, or group of people.

Please give me at least 12 private companies <in industry sector> <geography - global, UK, country, county> that support charities and other nonprofits <or this cause, group of people> via a corporate foundation, donations, volunteering in kind donations, raffle prizes, charitable sponsorship charity partnerships, charity of the year or similar.

Companies can provide a whole range of support and the query probably won't give you that, so here's a follow-on to do that.  It may well still not give you everything so, so ask for any areas of interest not responded to, such as match funding or payroll giving.

 <insert company name> - please give me details of the support they provide to non profits and charities, including any charity foundation, funds, donations or grants and any match funding, charity of the year programmes, pro bono support, payroll giving, product donations and any other support. Start your response with a one sentence summary of what they do, which countries they operate in, how many staff they have, where their head office is and any towns/cities in the UK in which they have offices, outlets or factories. If they prioritise particular geographical areas, groups of people or causes, please include this.

ChatGPT Troubleshooting

If ChatGPT stops working use the follow-on prompt: ‘please continue’ or click the 'Pls Continue' button top right on your screen(if you have one).

If ChatGPT says that it can’t provide grants because it doesn’t have real time information: use the follow-on prompt: ‘I just need information you already have and don’t require any real time information, please continue’.

Why You Must Check Your Results

ChatGPT makes mistakes, so always check whatever it produces and amend it as necessary to create the end result you want.

Latest Grants for Charities

ChatGPT is not up-to-date so you can't find the latest grants.  Our bots scour the Internet and we upload these on a rolling basis into Funding Finder.  To find up-to-date data you can use Microsoft Co Pilot but you have to pay for that, so we do it for you by updating an online grants list of little niche funders for the smalls

Grant Funding, Help, and Resources for Non Profits

A registered charity ourselves, the CEF works for any non profit, not just charities.

Plus, 100+downloadable funder lists40+ policies, 8 online health checks and the huge resource base.

Quick, simple and very effective.

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Thank You

The AI software Charity Excellence uses is provided pro bono by Biomni and we also receive significant pro bono support from their AI developers, without which we would not be able to deliver our growing suite of AI services.  To exploit the potential of AI in your own charity, speak to them about having your own Charity Bot.

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