UK Charity Infrastructure Grants - List of Funds

A list of grants for UK charity infrastructure bodies, including the main funds and how to find far more charity infrastructure grants

UK Charity Infrastructure Grants - List of Funds

A list of UK charity infrastructure grants.  The full list of all grant funding for infrastructure charities brings together some excellent 360 Giving research, plus Internet research and ChatGPT prompts by myself.   It identifies all the main charity infrastructure grants makers, others we think might and ways to find others funders who may be suitable, particularly for small local infrastructure charities.  You can also search for funding using our free Funding Finder and Help Finder directories.

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I’m Kate (Hillier) and am working with Ian (the Founder) to create funding and ChatGPT tools for charities.  I post about both subjects on my LinkedIn, so it would be great to connect with you!

Top Five UK Charity Infrastructure Grant Makers

The downloadable grant funding list for charities lists the top 5 funders for infrastructure.  These five funders alone provided one third of non-government grant funding to infrastructure organisations.  Here are 2 of them.

City Bridge Foundation The Infrastructure funding: capacity building and representation fund.  They also have The Anchor programme which also delivers long-term, core funding to the second-tier organisations that support London’s frontline groups but it’s different in that it aims to create systemic change.  
Paul Hamlyn Foundation Supports a wide range of charitable activities, including those that aim to strengthen the charity sector. They may fund charities that provide support services to other charitable organisations.

Other UK Charity Infrastructure Grant Funds

The 360 Giving report above identified other grant makers funding infrastructure charities over the period 2108 to 2022.  Here are 5 of them.

Other Potential Grant Makers

These are a couple of the other potential sources of grant funding for infrastructure charities that we found.

The Fore Grants to help applicants grow, strengthen, become more efficient or resilient, particularly grassroots organisations working with underserved communities. 
The Robertson Fund They will consider funding to develop solutions and better ways of working for the longer term, including to build a better understanding of causes, impacts and potential solutions, preventing or reducing negative experiences and outcomes, improving the design and delivery of support services and systems. and try out new approaches.  Funding can be universal (aimed at a wide group of people or a whole community). 

Local Grant Funding

For local infrastructure bodies, such as many CVSs, applying to local grant makers can work well.  The large national charities with professional fundraisers are less able to a cess these and many are much less well known, so competition is likely to be less than more well known nationally available funds. You can search by county on Funding Finder but also download much more comprehensive local funding lists for London and English counties from the Income questionnaire.

Local Companies That Donate

There are also major UK national companies that will fund local charities around their offices, shops and factories, as well as small local companies. You can search for these using the Help Finder Donations Funding search category, which gives you access to a whole network of funding sources. There is also likely to be less competition for these. Moreover, many only require you to complete a web form or send an ae mail and others match fund, provide volunteers, product donations and office/event space.

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