ChatGPT For NonProfits

ChatGPT for nonprofits discount and pricing, free training, how to write great non profit Chat GPT prompts, and expert tips that work for anyone

ChatGPT For Nonprofits, Including Discount and Pricing

A practical guide to OpenAI ChatGPT for nonprofits, including charity discounts and pricing.  Plus, which is the best for nonprofits - ChatGPT or Microsoft Copilot 365?  Our free Charity Excellence AI and ChatGPT services, training and guides, and all you need to know about writing prompts.  If you're brand new to this, you may wish to first read our introductory guide to Chat GPT first, including how to create a free ChatGPT account.  Easier still, use of 'oven-ready' charity prompts in our non profit ChatGPT prompts list and our in-system AI Bunny will even write and run your prompts for you.  Register, then login - everything is free.

ChatGPT for Nonprofits - Discount and Pricing

There is a basic free version (currently ChatGPT 3.5) and a paid for Plus version.  Open AI for Non Profits, includes discounts for ChatGPT Team and Enterprise.  You can find the ChatGPT pricing here.

Microsoft Copilot 365 - Nonprofit Discount and Pricing

Whilst you also have to pay for Microsoft Copilot 365, registered charitable nonprofits can claim the Microsoft nonprofit grant of US$2,000 pa, which you can also use for other Microsoft products such as Azure.  You can find the Copilot 365 pricing here.

Microsoft Copilot 365 Versus ChatGPT for Nonprofits

ChatGPT has a broader range of conversational AI capabilities but Microsoft Copilot 365 has integration and arguably better data utilisation and factual accuracy.  It's also real time, which ChatGPT isn't and I find that useful for grant searches.  In my view, for very small unregistered nonprofits ChatGPT is probably all you need, because it's free and the integration is of less value to you.  However, for bigger registered charities, Microsoft Copilot 365 offers more in the longer term.  But don't forget that current AI models struggle with context, lack human creativity and insight, and make mistakes.

Free Charity Excellence ChatGPT Services

We provide a range of free charity AI, including ChatGPT support for non profits.

ChatGPT for Non Profits Launchpad

Choose a level to get started with and then move on to the next.

Our Free AI and ChatGPT Training for Non Profits

  • An Introduction to AI for Non Profits – What the new generative AI (ChatGPT) is, the key risks, how to manage these and also how to exploit the opportunities, and what AI can and cannot do.  It's available as a video (35 mins) on our You Tube Channel.
  • ChatGPT for Charities - what it is, what it can and cannot do, how it can be used to help charities and how anyone can begin using it immediately. It's available as a video (29 Mins) on our You Tube Channel.
  • AI and the Future of the Charity Sector. What that might look like, including the changing world of work, new jobs, and the skills needed, as well as digital moats, AI roadkill, holistic impact & digital super exclusion. It's available as a video (39 mins) on our You Tube Channel.

Our courses are practical and don't require any AI knowledge.

ChatGPT for Non Profits - Prompt Limitations

  • ChatGPT doesn't have real time data (yet).
    • Current events, prices etc may be out-of-date.
  • The guard rails won't allow you to have personal information about individuals.
    • Address details of celebrities, names of people in companies.
  • You can enter your (or anyone else's) website in a prompt, but it doesn't really know anything about you or what you plan, so you need to enter this.
  • ChatGPT can get very busy and often can't cope with large or complex queries.
    • See troubleshooting below for what to do about that.
  • The default setting is to data share, although you can turn this off.
    • We don't recommend entering sensitive personal or financial information.
    • Reports on beneficiaries, salary data, and HR information, such as appraisals.

ChatGPT for Nonprofits - Creating Prompts

There is no set format, but roughly a prompt is what you want ChatGPT to do, what you want it to create, the tone/style to use, who this is for, and any other instructions.  It's best to write fairly short prompts and then ask ChatGPT to add to its responses.  Here's an example:

Create a list of 12 fundraising ideas that are simple and easy to do for a small UK charity.

Create your own by choosing from the words below

  1. <create/write, explain, review, summarise, compare>
  2. <fundraising, communications, marketing, events, finance, risk, strategy, governance>.
  3. <a list, ideas, e mail, letter, leaflet, web content, social media post(s), plan>
  4. in a <formal, authoritative, professional, third person, 1st person, compelling, caring, emotionally engaging, enthusiastic> style.
  5. for a UK
    1. <small, medium, large>.
    2. <community group, charity, non-profit>.
    3. <local, regional, national>. 
  6. with the spelling in UK English.

Get ChatGPT To Help You

Suggest some prompts for a UK nonprofit that......................

Other Things You Might Include In ChatGPT Prompts

Don't make your ChatGPT prompts too complex or too long, but there are a whole range of other ways to frame prompts.  Here are some ideas:

  1. Limit word or character count - <no more than x words, between x and y number of words, of at least x words>.
  2. Specify what to include - it must <include, exclude> the following <insert, insert, insert>. 
  3. Define the purpose of the task - to <inform, persuade, recruit, engage, create an online conversation>
  4. Define the format - <essay, bullet points, outline, summary, advert>.
  5. Call to action - <register, sign our petition, volunteer, donate>.
  6. Timescale - <key dates, timetable, deadlines>. 
  7. Audience - <define them, demographic, social or ethnic or other group>.
  8. Your key messages - <in priority order message 1, message 2, message 3>.
  9. Points of view - <as seen by group x, or multiple perspectives>.

ChatGPT Nonprofit Tips & Tricks

If you're now ready to up your ChatGPT game, you might try the ideas below.  These may not give you what you want if your first attempt, so try variations, regenerate or ask follow on prompts.

  • Ask it to use a persona.  For example, write this in the style of a lawyer.
  • Or do it the other way round.  Maybe, write this for a teenage audience, or a Christmas party.
  • Ask it to provide step-by-step instructions, if you want a response in bite size bits.
  • Show it an example problem, including its step-by-step solution to help it to give you the right answer when you ask it to solve other, similar questions.
  • If you have something very specific output in mind, try uploading a text sample illustrating what you want and instruct it use that as a template.

Custom instructions for ChatGPT

Getting good results from ChatGPT requires you to be precise so the Custom Instructions for ChatGPT option makes it much more useful. Even if all you put in is that you’re a UK charity and want spelling in UK English. I’ve added more and it works but, as usual, not always and not perfectly.

ChatGPT for Nonprofits - How to Exclude Triggers/Offence

ChatGPT has built-in guardrails, but these are not infallible. Some of my initial prompts generated ideas including women's groups baking and selling delicious treats, an LGBTQI+ drag show, and a haggis eating competition for people of Scottish heritage.  I'm Scottish and a haggis eating competition works for me, but ..........

I've built additional safeguards into the in-system tech bunny that creates ChatGPT prompts for you (launching 2 June).  You may wish to write safeguards into your own prompts.  For example:

Use language that is inclusive of everyoneparticularly minority groups.

Use language that is inclusive of <group>.

Do not use language that <group> might find <disrespectful, exclusive, derogatory, or insensitive>.

Running Your Charity ChatGPT Prompts & Troubleshooting

Paste your prompt into the ChatGPT task bar and the bottom of your screen and click the arrow button on the right hand side of this.

  • If it stops partway through the task, type into the task bar 'Complete task', and click return.
  • If it won't, the system may to be too busy.
    • Make your prompt shorter/simpler and use follow on prompts to add to it.
    • Try again later, when it may be less busy.
    • Buy the ChatGPT Plus version (in system) which is faster and will give you access at times of high demand.

Click the AI Bunny icon in the bottom right of your screen at any time for help with using ChatGPT, or any other issue relating to running a non profit or charity.  Ask it short questions, including key words.

Getting More Out Of Your ChatGPT Nonprofit Prompts

Once you have your draft, think about how well it meets your needs. You could amend your initial prompt and run it again or click the Regenerate response button in ChatGPT (above the task bar) and it'll rewrite it differently, using your original prompt. Or you might ask it to do something different based on the answer it has given you.

For example:

  • Give me more ideas.
  • Explain <idea> to me in more detail with advice on how to do it.
  • Create a plan, with actions required and a timetable for us to implement <idea>.
  • Add into our plan, a budget of £x, allocated as follows.......
  • Identify the key risks for <idea> and list each with avoidance and mitigation action.
  • Create a promotion programme to <advertise, promote, sell tickets>
  • Based on that create <a poster, web page, FAQs page, 12 social media posts>.
  • Give me a list of <local, regional, national> <tv, radio, newspaper, online> media outlets with some information about each.
  • Give me their websites, and public contact e mail adresses and phone numbers.
  • Give me a list of local companies that donate to charity, with details of their donations, plus their websites, public contact e mails and phone numbers.

Why You Must Check Your Results

ChatGPT can make mistakes, or it may get the tone wrong, so always check whatever it produces and amend it as necessary to create the end result you want.

Grant Funding, Help, and Resources for Non Profits

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Thank You

The AI software Charity Excellence uses is provided pro bono by Biomni and we also receive significant pro bono support from their AI developers, without which we would not be able to deliver our growing suite of AI services.  To exploit the potential of AI in your own charity, speak to them about having your own Charity Bot.

ChatGPT for Non Profits FAQs

  • How can non profits use ChatGPT?  ChatGPT is used by non profits in 2 main ways.  Firstly, it removes a significant amount of routine admin (digital debt), saving you time and, secondly, it augments your existing capabilities, enabling you to achieve more.
  • How are non profits using ChatGPT?   ChatGPT can be used by charities for a wide range of tasks, including creating ideas, summarising, contrasting and comparing, and having fun and being creative.
  • Can ChatGPT write a non profit grant proposal?  ChatGPT can write good charity grant proposals, but it knows nothing about your charity, its plans or your project, so you must include the significant amount of detail required for a grant application or it will not be very good and/or will include made up information (hallucinating).
  • Can ChatGPT replace non profit bid writers?  AI can write very effective grant bids, but it will not replace grant writers because it does not have the insight, flair or creativity of a good grant writer and lacks understanding of context and can struggle with long form content.
  • Is there a free ChatGPT tool for funding bid writing?  The Charity Excellence in-system AI bunny can write funding bids for you, but you must register and login to use it – everything is free.
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