ChatGPT For Nonprofits and Charities - Charity Chat GPT Prompts Library

A list of 60 ChatGPT prompts for nonprofits and charities - a library that you can modify to meet your own needs, plus our free charity ChatGPT training

ChatGPT For Nonprofits and Charities - Charity Chat GPT Prompts Library

A list of ChatGPT prompts for nonprofits and charities - a very quick and simple to use nonprofit Chat GPT prompts library you can modify to meet your needs.  Simply pick the nonprofit ChatGPT prompt you want and any of our <examples> within it, or add, amend, delete as you see fit to create Chat GPT prompts for your non profit.  We've also included our free charity and nonprofit AI and ChatGPT training and at the end are ChatGPT for nonprofits FAQs.

Free ChatGPT Training For Non Profits and Charities

We have created 3 free, practical Charity AI webinars - one on using ChatGPT prompts for non profits and charities.  If you're an infrastructure body or group of non profits by all means get in contact and I'll be happy deliver a webinar for you.

Charity Excellence AI & ChatGPT Services

In addition to the 6 systems within Charity Excellence, we provide a range of free charity AI services, including Chat GPT for nonprofits.

ChatGPT for Non Profits

Choose a level to get started with and then move on to the next.

Free AI and ChatGPT for Nonprofits Training

You do not need to have any tech skills or know anything about AI or Chat GPT for this training.

  • An Introduction to AI – What the new generative AI is, the key risks, how to manage these and also how to exploit the opportunities, and what AI can and cannot do.  It's also available as a video (35 mins) on our You Tube Channel.
  • How Anyone Can Use Chat GPT - what Chat GPT is, what it can and cannot do, how it can be used to help non profits and charities and how anyone can begin using it immediately. It's available as a video (29 Mins) on our You Tube Channel.
  • AI and the Future of the Charity Sector. What that might look like, including the changing world of work, new jobs, and the skills needed. It's available as a video (39 mins) on our You Tube Channel.


ChatGPT has a huge data set, which makes it very capable, but it doesn't know anything about your non profit, your plans or what you do.

In a sense, it's a bit like a very fast and very helpful Internet forum, but you must give it the data it needs about your charity to work well.

It's usually great if you want 12 ideas about..., but if what you want requires very specific and correct data to be included, it can be a lot more problematic.

If you just ask it to create a plan, it will, but it may be so generic to be of little use and if you ask it to write a policy it may not include everything it should and what it does may not be correct.

Consequently, there are some things we don't recommend using ChatGPT prompts for.  We provide alternative ways for you to access/create this kind of material.

Using ChatGPT for Finding Funders & Writing Bids

ChatGPT is able to search its data set for funders, but it's not real time (yet) and existing grant search engines, such as our free Funding Finder, have far more and far more up-to-date information.  That will change, but not yet.

Funding bids are primarily about your charity and its plans, and it takes quite a lot of specific information to write a compelling and emotionally engaging funding bid.  We had to build 5 versions to get our ChatGPT bid writer to work.

Writing Non Profit Policies

You can use ChatGPT to write policies, but it has no data after 2021 and you need to include specific issues and detail, guidance may well have been issued by multiple regulators and good policies should reflect best practice, not just the rules. This varies from policy to policy, which makes this more complicated and problematic, when using ChatGPT.

We have used it by targeting specific statutory guidance, which we know is the right single source but, even then, we've found that we had to rework drafts, because what it produced wasn't good enough.  We draft most of our example policies from scratch, or with some limited input from ChatGPT.  We have created 30+ policies so far, which can be downloaded in Word format in-system.  Details here.


Be aware of the following when using ChatGPT prompts for nonprofits and charities.

Current Information - Recent News & Prices

ChatGPT isn't yet using real time data, so anything it produces for you will not reflect current events.  For example:

  • It could create a checklist of the types of issues to consider in a PESTLE analysis, but it couldn't create one for you that reflected the world of today.
  • Any costs or prices may be useful for comparison, but will almost certainly be out-of-date.
  • It won't include any organisations founded since then and may include those that have closed, such as Virgin Giving.

Privacy Issues

The default is that all information entered is shared, although you can opt out by changing your setting (bottom left of screen) or submitting an opt out form. We don't recommend entering any sensitive personal or financial information, so it doesn't work for tasks, such as individual beneficiary reports, appraisals or other HR documentation, or anything containing bank account or other sensitive financial data.

You can research companies, for example, by asking for a list of companies that give to charity, information on each and its website. However, inevitably, it won't share names and contact details, because it has privacy guardrails, and the data it will share will somewhat out-of-date anyway. It has some, but limited fundraising and prospect research value.


It is best to keep prompts fairly short and then ask ChatGPT to add to its answer.

Step 1. Choose a prompt from below and simply insert whatever you want into <in italics>. We strongly recommend that you do not include any sensitive personal or financial information in your prompt.  If you do, make sure you have opted out of data sharing.

Step 2.  Paste your prompt into the ChatGPT task bar and the bottom of your screen and click the arrow button on the right hand side of this.

  1. If it stops partway through the task, type into the task bar 'Complete task', and click return.
  2. If it won't, the system may to be too busy.
    1. Make your prompt shorter/simpler and use follow on prompts to add to it.
    2. Try again later, when it may be less busy.
    3. Buy the ChatGPT Plus version (in system) which is faster and will give you access at times of high demand.

Step 3.  Once you have your draft, think about how well it meets your needs.  You could amend your initial prompt and run it again or click the Regenerate Text button in ChatGPT and it'll rewrite it differently, using your original prompt.  Or you might ask it to do something different based on the answer it has given you.  There are examples and ideas, with the prompts below.

Step 4.  ChatGPT can make mistakes, or it may get the tone wrong, so always check whatever it produces and amend it as necessary to create the end result you want.


Once you have your results, you could try the Regenerate Text button (bottom of screen, above the task bar) to see if it'll create more interesting results, but you might also give it refined instructions.  For example, type into the task bar 'rewrite that, excluding <insert> and adding in <insert>, with more emphasis on <insert>'.

Generate A Subject Line

Existing Text.

Make a list of 10 different subject lines for the following <e mail, article, report>, <insert email text> that will particularly appeal to <audience - young people, older people, donors> and encourage them to <read it, sign up, donate>. Keep the subject line to under 50 characters and make sure it follows a similar tone of voice.

No Existing Text.

Make a list of 10 different subject lines for a UK charity <e mail, social media post, report title> on the subject of <insert details> that will particularly appeal to <audience - young people, older people, donors> and encourage them to <read it, sign up, donate>. Keep the subject line to under 50 characters.  The tone should be <formal, authoritative, professional, third person, respectful, compelling, first person, caring, emotionally engaging, enthusiastic>.

Generate Event Ideas

Give me 12 <easy to arrange, low cost, respectful, culturally sensitive><outdoor, indoor, online, hybrid, virtual> event ideas for a <local community group, small charity, school, large registered charity> that works in <area of work, such as mental health> that would be suitable for <individuals, families, children> and will be <easy, quick, low cost> to organise and will <be fun, help to raise awareness of our work, recruit volunteers, generate some PR> and <anything else you want>.  These must be <lively, physically active, outdoors, for adults, suitable for families, young children> and must not involve <gambling, alcohol>.

Generating Communications Or Marketing Ideas

Give me 12 <communications, marketing> ideas for a <local community group, small charity, regional charity, large national charity, school, PTA> that works in <area of work, such as mental health> focussed on our key stakeholders who are <insert key stakeholders>. The ideas should be <friendly, serious, edgy, authoritative, thought provoking, easy, quick, low cost> to organise and will <raise awareness of our work, recruit volunteers, generate PR, encourage donations> and <anything else you want>.


Give me 12 <communications, marketing> ideas that we can use to engage our <ideal follower - age, demographics, interest, etc> and create conversations around <your area of expertise/interest>.

And/or use this follow on question:

Turn these 12 ideas into social media posts, with a timetable, recommendations for the best social media platforms and days and times to post these on, in the run up to <our campaign, event, elections, Christmas> on <date>.

Create Communications Plans

Create a <marketing, communications> plan for a <size of charity> that works in <what your charity does> focussed on our key stakeholders who are <insert key stakeholders>, but also include other stakeholders <insert others>.  Our most critical stakeholder is <insert> whom we want to <reach, engage, win over, partner with>. Our key communication messages are <message 1>, <message 2> and <message 3>. Our communication objectives are in order of priority to <make people aware of our services, raise awareness of ....., recruit volunteers, raise funds, campaign for change>. Our current communication channels are, in order of effectiveness <events, PR, social media, website, posters & leaflets>. 

Once you have your results, you could try the Regenerate Text button (bottom of screen, above the task bar) to see if it'll create more interesting results, but you might also give it refined instructions.  You could type in the following prompt:

Include in our plan, other communications methods we don't use, including <video, PR, Snap Chat, Tik Tok>, with details on how to make these a success.


Include in our plan, a timetable, tasks to be allocated and resources that will be needed, any legal or regulatory requirements and identify any risks to it succeeding and what we might do to minimise these, as well as <anything else you wish to include>.


Also include at least 6 other communications ideas that would make our plan even more effective.


Create an annex for our plan that covers <fundraising, finance, organisation, communications, social media> in far more detail.  Headings for the annex include <insert, with any detail you have>, <insert, with any detail you have>, <insert, with any detail you have>, <insert, with any detail you have>.

Social Media

Create a social media plan for a <size of charity> that works in <what your charity does> focussed on our key stakeholder groups who are <insert>whom we want to <reach, engage, win over, partner with>. Our key communication messages are <message 1>, <message 2> and <message 3>. Our communication objectives are in order of priority to <make people aware of our services, raise awareness of ....., recruit volunteers, raise funds, campaign for change>.  

Once you have your results, you could try the Regenerate Text button (bottom of screen, above the task bar) to see if it'll create more interesting results, but you might also give it refined instructions.

Add into our plan, our current social media channels, which are, in order of effectiveness <What's App, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, Tik Tok, Snap Chat, Pinterest, Reddit, You Tube - include details of followers, likes, engagement, sentiment, if you have any>. 

There are lots of other things you might also ask it to include.  Here are some ideas:

Identify and include in our plan....

which social media platforms would work best for our stakeholders.

how often we should post and what days and times would be best.

other social media platforms we might use, with details about these, to help us assess which would work best for us. 

a timetable, tasks to be allocated and resources that will be needed, any legal or regulatory requirements and identify any risks to it succeeding and what we might do to minimise these.

at least 6 simple, practical social media fundraising ideas that we could consider.

You can also ask it to do related tasks:

Create a dozen social media posts based on our plan and the content of our <insert website link/address, paste in text, Facebook link>, with suggested hash tags.

Turn these social media fundraising ideas into 12 posts, with relevant hashtags that encourage donations.

Give us 12 simple, practical ideas that we could use to grow our social media following and boost our engagement.

And since you're now getting good at this, you may want to get yourself a social media management system. Don't just go for Hootsuite, there are lots to choose from.

List the main social media management systems that a <small, medium, large> uk charity might use with the pros and cons and prices of each, including any free options, and provide some advice on how to choose the best.

Event Or Fundraiser Marketing Plan & Promotional Materials

Marketing Plan.

Create a plan to promote a <type of activity - event, fundraiser> to be held on <date> from <start time> to <finish time>, with up to <number> attendees and the aim of raising up to <£ amount>.  We have a budget of <£ amount, or don't include> and access to social media platforms <Facebook, Instagram, Tik Tok, Snap Chat, other> with <estimated number> followers.

Once you have your results, you could try the Regenerate Text button (bottom of screen, above the task bar) to see if it'll create more interesting results, but you might also give it refined instructions.  You could type in the following prompt:

Include in our plan, dates, actions and suggested messaging and <anything else you need>.


Based on our plan, give me 12 other simple and low cost but very effective ways to promote it.

Marketing Content.

Create a <leaflet, poster> for our <type of> UK charity event on <date(s)> from <start time> to <end time>, at <location>, which will include <activities> and is aimed at <families, having a great day out, other>, with tickets available from <contact details>, priced at <price details>.

If you wish to, you might then ask it to:

Add in <directions> and <anything else you want, such as food and drink availability, parking or disability access>.


Our target audience for our plan is <insert young or older people, single people, families with children, who belong to this social, ethnic, demographic group>.  Create 12 social media posts to help us promote our event, with hash tags and a timetable of the best dates and times to post these, to create the greatest possible reach and engagement.

Write A Welcome E Mail Or Letter

Write an <email, letter> to welcome our new <subscriber/supporter/donor>, whose name is <name>. Here is some information from their LinkedIn profile <insert information, for example, from their about section>. Don't write more than 100 words.  Write it in the first person, in a personal, welcoming and helpful sounding way, not as an ask.

If you wished to, you could ask ChatGPT to include details of your website, social media or newsletter sign up.

Write A Thank You E Mail Or Letter

Write a thank you <e mail, letter> to <name> for <what they did>, including <how that really helped you> and <the difference that made to your charity's work>.  Please include <an invitation to our event, or to stay up-to-date with our work by following us on social media/signing up for our newsletter, or include information about your latest campaign/success, or a quote relevant to what he/she did>.  Keep the tone grateful and sincere and make sure it doesn't exceed <100> words.

Website ChatGPT Prompts List

Write a <home, fundraising, campaign> <website, fundraising platform, social media> page for <audience - age, social grouping and what they are interested in>. Keep the language simple and emotionally engaging and use UK English spelling, including that their <support, donation, signature> will make a real difference and the benefits to them in doing so, which are <benefit 1>, <benefit 2>, <benefit 3>…… For web pages: Structure the text with a main H1 title and then <3> H2 sub-titles explaining how their support will make a difference and the benefits to them in supporting our work.

Design a website that is low cost and simple to build and use for a UK charity called <insert>, which <about your charity>. In priority order, it will encourage people to <Donate, Engage with our cause, Volunteer, Use our services, Learn about …. And to contact us>. In priority order, our target audience is <Existing staff, volunteers and/or beneficiaries, Potential new ones, Potential funders, Potential supporters/influencers, such as politicians>. Our key messages are <message 1>, <message 2>, <message 3>. Our website should have the following page <home, fundraising,…. Contact us> and should be simple to navigate, convey our key messages in an easy to understand and emotionally engaging way, with a clear prominent call to action. Suggest the most suitable interface and features and a project plan for the website <design, redesign>.

Turn our plan into a specification for a website design company, to include a breakdown of key headings, which you are to list, hours required and cost, inclusive of VAT. Include they must warrant that copyright and any other IP created will be retained by the charity and all relevant legal and regulatory requirements will be met by the provider. For further information visit <existing website, Facebook page> and/or contact <appointment and telephone number>. The provider should include in their specification a proposed timetable. Expressions of interest, as specified above, should be sent to <e mail> by <date>. <add anything else you might need to the above. For example, a disability charity may have specific accessibility requirements that are specific to its beneficiaries.>

Provide 12 simple, practical suggestions I can use to increase traffic to and engagement with our UK charity website <insert website address>, which has a low SERPS rating and low traffic volume. We wish to specifically increase <traffic numbers, engagement, fundraising, volunteering, newsletter sign ups>. For each suggestion, include lots of detail on the individual steps I need to take to implement it, or ideas on how I might do so. At the end suggest at least 3 other ways in which I could improve my charity website, so that I can ask you to tell me more about these. Explain these in non technical terms that most people would understand.


Write a UK charity press release for <local media, newspaper, radio or regional, national> that is about people, brings out interesting and significant points and is relevant to the media we are aiming at.  Begin with the main facts and most newsworthy content - <who>, <what>, <why>, <where>, <when> and <how>. Then more detail that elaborates on the how and why.

Follow this with:

Add in at the bottom <details about your charity, the campaign, relevant facts and stats, or similar> and our contact details <e mail, phone, website>.

For guidance on writing a press release and how to pitch it, try this Media Trust Toolkit.  To find outlets to pitch it to, try these.

Give me a list of <local, regional, national, charity sector> <tv, radio, newspaper> media outlets that I can submit a press release to about <subject matter, your sector>.  For each, include the website link or e mail to submit it, any instructions on submitting a press release or article, including any deadlines, and the contact phone number.

Tell me how to to create a list of all parish, village and town magazines in <county> UK, with the contact details to submit articles to.  Provide details and website links to all local sources.  Also provide details and links for national organisations and websites that may be useful, such as Parish Pump and the Village and Community Magazine Association.

Provide a list of all <tv, radio, newspaper, e-zines, local, parish, village and town magazines> outlets in <county> UK, together with information about what each is and does, and their website, e mail and public phone contact numbers.

You could follow this with:

Add to my list details and links for national organisations and websites that may be useful, such as Parish Pump and the Village and Community Magazine Association, and any relevant charity sector media outlets.

When being interviewed.

I'm to be interviewed by <local, national> <tv, radio, newspaper> about <my charity and what it does>. Give a series of tips in priority order that will help me to prepare for this interview.

They particularly want to talk about <what has led to this interview, likely subject matter>. Give me a list of likely questions and some good answers I can use in response. The area I need most help with is <particular issue, staying calm, buying time to think>.


Once you have your results, you could try the Regenerate Text button (bottom of screen, above the task bar) to see if it'll create more interesting results, but you might also give it refined instructions.  For example, type into the task bar 'rewrite that, excluding <insert> and adding in <insert>, with more emphasis on <insert>'.

Or click the AI bunny icon in the bottom right of your screen and ask it for a list of fundraising ideas.

Create Fundraising Ideas

  • Groups of People.  Give me 12 <easy to arrange, low cost, respectful, culturally sensitive>,<fundraising, event, activity> ideas for <the office, work events, people of African (or other heritage), or of Christian (or other) faith, my church mosque or temple, the LGBTQI+ and Trans community, young or old people, women's groups, foodbanks, Scottish, Welsh, English or Irish heritage, schools, students, children, veterans, animals or sport> in support of a UK charity.
  • Celebrations.  Give me 12 <easy to arrange, low cost, respectful, culturally sensitive>,<respectful, culturally sensitive>, <fundraising, event, activity> ideas for <charity anniversary, centenary, birthday fundraiser, Christmas, Easter, Ramadan, Eid, Diwali, Passover, Hannukah> in support of a UK charity..  These must be <lively, physically active, outdoors, for adults, suitable for families, young children> and must not involve <gambling, alcohol>.
  • Those Who Are Less Able.  Give me 12 <easy to arrange, low cost, respectful, culturally sensitive>, UK charity <fundraising, event, activity> ideas that would be suitable for people who <struggle with loud noises, or bright lights, are very frail, profoundly, have multiple disabilities, disabled, are physically disabled, with a learning disability, not fully competent, very vulnerable> and who face challenges with <stigma, discrimination, sight, mobility, balance, co-ordination, fatigue, concentration, thinking, learning and planning> and require <wheelchair accessibility, disabled toilet facilities>.  These ideas must be <lively, physically active, outdoors, for adults, suitable for families, young children> and must not involve <gambling, alcohol, travel for more than x minutes>.  Use UK English spelling.

You could follow this with something like:

List each type of <event/activity>, together with its advantages and disadvantages and key risks, then compare each to recommend the best ones for our UK <what you do> charity, with income of <estimated £ income> and <number> of staff and <number> of volunteers.


Create a brief on the advantages an disadvantages of <event/activity>, with guidance on how to plan and run it successfully, with the key risks listed, including suitable avoidance and mitigation action for each.

Finding Potential Funders & Supporters

ChatGPT won't give you personal details to help find company supporters, but it will help you to find them.

Give me a number of simple practical ways that I can use to find names and contact details of company leadership and management teams.


Suggest events or organisations in <location> that could be helpful us to engage local companies.


Give me a list of all the UK celebrities, together with information about them, who have supported charity work or have a connection with <what your charity does>.

Find me articles and other information on <celebrity's name> charity work.

Creating Your Charity Fundraising or Event Plan.

Once you have an idea you like, ask ChatGPT to create a plan to help you run it.

Create a plan to run a <type of activity> to be held <date> with up to <number> attendees and the aim of raising up to <£ amount>. Include planning deadlines, tasks to be allocated and resources that will be needed, any legal or regulatory requirements and identify any risks to it succeeding and what we might do to minimise these, as well as <PR, health & safety, insurance>.  Also include at least 6 fundraising ideas or activities we might run as part of this to ensure we maximise our income.

Sourcing Sponsorship, Raffle Prizes and Auction Items


Write a sponsorship <e mail, letter> to a company for a <type of activity> to be held <date> with up to <number> attendees and the aim of raising up to <£ amount> for our <charity name> to help us <the difference your charity makes>.  It should include <purpose of your event>, <what you need>, and <what you can offer a sponsor, such as access to specific audiences, brand awareness, brand credibility, shared publicity, advertising partnering and job opportunities to the public, or something else>.  Include <any mutual connections you may have>, <any celebrities, politicians or businesspeople they would want to meet>.  It must include an explicit call to action.

Event Brite have published a How to Get Event Sponsors: 8 Expert-Approved Steps article.

Raffle Prizes & Auction Items.

Create a list of at least 12 ideas to source <raffle prizes, auction items> for a charity <type of event activity> to be held on <date> with the aim of securing <number> of prizes to raise up to <£ amount>.  Include with this advice about the types of organisations to approach and how best to do that, and make the 1st idea the Charity Excellence Help Finder search category for Product Donations.

Fundraising Leaflet Or Web Page Prompt

Write a fundraising <leaflet, web page> for <name> charity, which <insert details about what you do> and, in this priority order, the difference our charity makes - <difference 1>, <difference 2>, <difference 3>, <difference 4>. Keep the language simple and emotionally engaging and use UK English spelling, including sections with at least 6 ways they can help and the difference their support will make and ending with a clear call to action that will encourage people to join us. Contact details <website>, e mail us at <e mail address>, or call us on <telephone number>.


Once you have your results, you could try the Regenerate Text button (bottom of screen, above the task bar) to see if it'll create more interesting results, but you might also give it refined instructions.  For example, type into the task bar 'rewrite that, excluding <insert> and adding in <insert>, with more emphasis on <insert>'.

Looking After Our People

Targeting Specific Areas/Issues.

Create a list of 12 ways to promote <good mental health, wellbeing, motivation, engagement, productivity, better communication> at a UK charity of <number> staff and <number> volunteers that works in <what your non-profit does> and faces particular challenges because of <overwork, work related stress, bullying, negative culture, communication challenges>. Create a plan, actions and timetable to respond to these using low-cost, practical ideas with specific task allocated to deliver these.  It should include the risks involved, with steps to be taken to minimise these. It must also include <anything else you feel is needed>.

New Better Ways of Working & Being Happier.

Create a list of at least 12 low cost, low workload ideas and a plan to deliver these to make us <more creative, more innovative, better at recycling and being sustainable, more fun, happier> and make our UK charity a better place to be and work for everyone.  The plan should include a timetable, key steps to be taken, who should be involved, a process to deliver the plan, and key risks and steps to minimise these. It must also include <anything else you feel is needed>.

Increasing Our Impact

Create a list of at least 12 low cost, low workload ideas and a plan to deliver these to increase our charitable impact.  We are <size, type of charity> that delivers <services> to <the difference you make>.  The unmet need we respond to is <insert details> and our beneficiaries are <numbers, age, ethnic groups etc>.  The biggest challenges they face are <insert> and the biggest challenges our charity faces in supporting them are <insert>

Follow that with:

Add into our plan, a timetable, key steps to be taken, who should be involved, a process to deliver the plan, and key risks and steps to minimise these. It must also include <anything else you feel is needed>.

Create Volunteer Recruitment Material

Application Form. 

Create a UK charity volunteer application form for <charity name> that includes name, address and contact details, availability in terms of days, hours and how flexible they may able to be, what they would enjoy doing, any particular skills or experience they may have, any previous volunteer experience and references and if they are interested in a specific role or type of role.  Include a section at the end which states that the charity is hugely grateful to its volunteers who make an enormous difference to its work.  There is almost always a great volunteering role for anyone, but volunteering is an unpaid role and is not employment, and the charity may need to carry out checks, such as right to work and safeguarding, and may have age or other restrictions for some roles.  Below that include an Office Use Only section with date received, date volunteer contacted, details of checks completed, role offered, role accepted/declined, supervisor name and date notified, volunteer start date.

Skills & Experience.

Create a list of skills and experience required for a UK charity volunteer <job role>, which has <main job tasks>, working in <insert details of charity and the department he/she will be working in>.

Job Advert.

Write a job advertisement for the UK charity volunteer role of <events, fundraising, reception>, at <charity name>.  We are <insert what it is about you would make someone want to join your team>.  This is an exciting opportunity to <insert benefits to volunteer>. To carry out this ro9le you'll need to be <skills and experience> and able to commit to <commitment required - hours/flexibility, or one off activity> for this role based <office or event location, home based> working with <team, line manger appointment, our x volunteers> delivering <insert main job tasks, or what he/she/team will achieve and why that will make a difference>.  Use a warm, friendly and enthusiastic tone.

For ideas on why people volunteer, the barriers and the benefits they feel they gain, read our Volunteer Management resource.

Interview Questions.

Create a list of interview questions for a UK charity volunteer <job role> in <type/size of charity>, delivering <insert main job tasks, or what he/she will achieve>, with essential skills and experience of <essential skills and experience>, including <anything that must be included for your charity and its work, perhaps appreciating the importance of safeguarding>.

Create Staff Recruitment Material

Skills & Experience.

Create a list of skills and experience required for a UK charity <job role>, which has <main job tasks>, with the list split into those that are essential to perform the role and those that would only be beneficial.

Job Advert.

Write a job advertisement for the UK charity role of <CEO, fundraising manager>, at <charity name>.  We are <insert what it is about you would make someone want to join your team>.  This is a <full time, part time, 3 days a week, 25 hours flexible working> role based <office location, home based>, with a  salary of <£ amount>, plus <benefits, or insert specific ones if particularly attractive>.  Working to <insert line manager role>, this is an exciting role delivering <insert main job tasks, or what he/she will achieve>.  We are looking for <essential skills and experience>.  <desirable skills and experience> would be a bonus.  For further information and to apply contact <insert details>.  Closing date for applications is <if applicable>. Use an authoritative, enthusiastic tone.

Interview Questions.

Create a list of interview questions for a UK charity <job role> in <type/size of charity>, delivering <insert main job tasks, or what he/she will achieve>, with essential skills and experience of <essential skills and experience> and desirable skills and experience of<desirable skills and experience> which would be a bonus.  This must include questions on <anything else you think must be covered in the interview> and must not include anything that is discriminatory or breaches the UK Equalities Act.


Once you have your results, you could try the Regenerate Text button (bottom of screen, above the task bar) to see if it'll create more interesting results, but you might also give it refined instructions.  For example, type into the task bar 'rewrite that, excluding <insert> and adding in <insert>, with more emphasis on <insert>'.

Explain Charity Accounting & Finance Prompts

Explain charity accruals and cash accounting, the pros and cons of each and when each would be most suitable for a small charity. The explanation should be for someone not familiar with these and not a finance professional and must use UK English spelling.  Refer to and explain Accounting and Reporting by Charities: Statement of Recommended Practice and Charity Commission Reporting & Accounting: The Essentials 2016 (CC15d)

Using the Charity Commission Charity reserves: building resilience explain trustee responsibilities for reserves and the specific actions they should take, with advice on how to do that.  The explanation should be for someone not familiar with finance or reserves and not a finance professional and must use UK English spelling.

Create A Simple Cash Budget Prompt

Create a simple Excel cash budget for a small UK charity, with Income <donations, grants, events> and Expenditure <rent, office supplies, marketing, events costs> and explain how to write a simple finance report, including most likely, best and worst case income scenarios, to be presented to non-finance people. Use UK English spelling.

Risk Prompts

Create a risk management plan using the following information <type or paste in all relevant project detail> for a UK based <small, local, regional, national, registered charity, CIC, community group>.  Identify all relevant significant risks  which must include <risk 1, eg people related risk>, <risk 2, eg finance related risk>, <risk 3, eg reputational related risk>, <risk 4, eg safeguarding>, <risk 5>, <risk 6>.  List risks in priority order, with a risk rating for each and at least 1 mitigation and 1 avoidance action for each risk.

Once you have your results, you could try the Regenerate Text button (bottom of screen, above the task bar) to see if it'll create more interesting results, but you might also give it refined instructions.  You could type in the following prompt:

Please add the following to our risk management plan.  Responsibilities <insert trustees, CEO/staff, risk or safeguarding lead and what responsibilities are>, who will review it <eg trustees> and how often the plan is to be updated <eg quarterly trustee meetings, monthly staff meetings, at project meetings>.


Rewrite that, excluding <insert> and adding in <insert>, with more emphasis on <insert>'.

You'll find far more resources and ideas by scoring the Charity Excellence risk questionnaire.

Contracts, Tenders & RFP Prompts

Write an invitation for UK charity <RFP, quote, invitation to tender> for <eg equipment or service> listing the key deliverables <insert, eg quantity><insert, eg quality><insert, eg timescale><insert, <insert>. These are to be itemised by price <and hours><inclusive, exclusive> of <VAT and/or delivery charges>. Potential vendor to warrant that <service/product> will comply with all legal and regulatory requirements, including, but not limited to <British Standard ...., building regulations, H&SW Act ....others> <and that you have type of insurance cover of at least £x>. For further <information, tender pack, to apply>, contact <name, appointment> at <phone number and/or e mail>. Deadline for submissions is <date>.  Use UK English spelling.


Once you have your results, you could try the Regenerate Text button (bottom of screen, above the task bar) to see if it'll create more interesting results, but you might also give it refined instructions.  For example, type into the task bar 'rewrite that, excluding <insert> and adding in <insert>, with more emphasis on <insert>'.

Lead Trustee Job Description & Recruitment

Create a job description for a <community group, sports club, charity, CIC> lead trustee for <operations, fundraising, safeguarding, health & safety> which <what your organisation does>. Headings should include responsibilities, both essential and desirable skills & experience. The job description must include the following <insert>, <insert>, <insert>. The job description must include the following <insert>, <insert>, <insert>. Use UK English spelling.

You could follow this with:

Create a recruitment advert and interview questions.

Create Mission Statements Prompt

Create a list of at least 6 mission statements of varying length for a <UK, international, local, small regional, national, charity, CIC> that communicates our purpose, in an action focused, succinct and emotionally engaging way. It must makes clear what is important, whom our stakeholders are and provide direction based on <what we do><how do we do it><whom do we do it for> and <if relevant, where do we do it>.  Use UK English spelling.

Create Vision Statements Prompt

Create a list of at least 6 vision statements of varying length for a <UK, international, local, small, regional, national charity, CIC> that distils down the following information into an inspirational, clear, memorable, and concise statement, which describes the world, as we believe it should be. The organisational values matter to our trustee Board, staff and other stakeholders are <value 1, eg transforming lives><value 2, eg empowering people><value 3, eg pursuing equality>, <Value 4, eg making voices heard><value 5, eg being responsible> and the difference we would make if we achieved our mission would be <insert description of the world you wish to create>. Use UK English spelling.

Your values are what your organisation believes. The ones above were the most popular in a sector survey about values but are only examples to help stimulate debate and inform your thinking, not simply to be copied.

Explain Charity Annual Reporting

Explain what a charity's annual report includes. There must be headings for the Trustees’ Responsibilities in approving the report and the Key Issues that trustees need to be aware of, including indicators of possible problems and how to spot these. Include a list of at least 6 questions that trustees should ask when presented with the draft report.  Use UK English spelling.  Refer to and explain the Charity Commission Prepare A Charity Annual Return


You can ask ChatGPT to suggest prompts for you. It's best to keep these fairly short and to then ask it to add to your results by using follow-on questions.  Here's our guide on how to do it, with a whole range of words that you could include in asking it to write a prompt for you.

Prompts To Avoid Causing Offence

ChatGPT has built-in guardrails, but these are not infallible. Some of my initial prompts generated ideas including women's groups baking and selling delicious treats, an LGBTQI+ drag show, and a haggis eating competition.  I'm Scottish and a haggis eating competition works for me, but ..........

I've built additional safeguards in to the in-system tech bunny that creates ChatGPT prompts for you.  These instruct ChatGPT to be inclusive of everyone, but, ultimately, I cannot predict or control its outputs.  If this is a concern for you, you may wish to write your own prompts and build your own group specific safeguards in.  For example:

Use language that is inclusive of <group>.

Do not use language that <group> might find <disrespectful, exclusive, derogatory, or insensitive>.

ChatGPT for Non profits FAQs

  • How can non profits use ChatGPT?  ChatGPT is used by non profits in 2 main ways.  Firstly, it removes a significant amount of routine admin (digital debt), saving you time and, secondly, it augments your existing capabilities, enabling you to achieve more.
  • How are charities using ChatGPT?   ChatGPT can be used by charities for a wide range of tasks, including creating ideas, summarising, contrasting and comparing, and having fun and being creative.
  • Can ChatGPT write a charity grant proposal?  ChatGPT can write good charity grant proposals, but it knows nothing about your charity, its plans or your project, so you must include the significant amount of detail required for a grant application or it will not be very good and/or will include made up information (hallucinating).
  • Can ChatGPT replace charity bid writers?  AI can write very effective grant bids, but it will not replace grant writers because it does not have the insight, flair or creativity of a good grant writer and lacks understanding of context and can struggle with long form content.
  • Is there a free ChatGPT tool for funding bid writing?  The Charity Excellence in-system AI bunny can write funding bids for you, but you must register and login to use it – everything is free.

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